+48 668 104 104

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Goods logistics is one of the key issues in the process of the client’s supply chain operation.
Starting from raw materials and semi-finished products through finished products and intermediate warehousing up to the final supplier.

Our objective is to coordinate the client’s actions to some extent to achieve common benefits in the form of optimization of the type and volume of production, volume and frequencies of deliveries, and transportation routes, thanks to which cooperation under the just-in-time system becomes possible, which results in minimization of stock and release of funds that the client may assign to development.

Our advantages
Ability to take action and work within the supply chain
Experience in directions such as Benelux, Great Britain
Strong competence in automotive services
Ferry services and long term contracts with ferry companies
Work under the Just In Time system
CONTACT - Warehousing & Logistics
Michał Warnicki


mobile: +48 504388414
tel: +48 74 637 92 27
fax2mail: +4874 661 40 91

English/ Polish
